Matthew Hamblin

My ten favourite photos of Adam

1. Adam taught me Stella was the best beer through Blind Taste Test. Before I drank Holsten.

2. Adam’s Dad is an electrician on the Trains. When we sent him this photo he said we should get off the tracks immediately.

3. But he wasn’t mad at Adam and when he looks at him he has a proud face.

4. I lived with Adam for years and we always had a happy house.

5. We always have ideas for making stuff together so we stay close so we can chat about them.

6. Adam is gentle and kind to everyone, even when he is sleeping.

7. He taught me that you should get your money in fivers so it looks like you have loads.

8. My daughter has recently learnt to chat and always asks if he can come over for tea.

9. Last year he got a job in another city and I miss him loads.

10. But I know we will continue to have great fun together until one of us dies.

Matthew is one third of Food People who have put music out on Chocolate Monk, Cardboard Club, Cosmovision Registros Andinos amongst others, and have a record out on Feeding Tube. He co-runs Rammel Club in Nottingham.

Tim Olive

Ten image collections from the Public Domain Review

The Public Domain Review is an aggregation of images, books, film and audio in the public domain. Here are ten image collections — not a “top ten” but a selection that I particularly enjoy.

1. Levi Walter Yaggy’s Geographical Maps and Charts (1887/93)

2. Gustav Zander and the 19th-Century Gym

3. Flowers of Fire: Illustrations from Japanese Fireworks Catalogues (ca. 1880s)

4. The Art of Book Covers (1820-1914)

5. Flowers of the Sky

6. The Art of Swimming (1587)

7. Specimens of Chromatic Wood Type and Borders (1874)

8. Decayed Daguerreotypes

9. The Beatus of Facundus (1047)

10. The Maps of Piri Reis

A bonus ten old-time (ice) hockey names:
Toe Blake (b. 1912, Victoria Mines, Ont.)
Turk Broda (b. 1914, Brandon, Man.)
Mud Bruneteau (b. 1914, St. Boniface, Man.)
King Clancy (b. 1902, Ottawa)
Dit Clapper (b. 1907, Newmarket, Ont.)
Sprague Cleghorn (b. 1890, Montreal)
Punch Imlach (b. 1918, Toronto)
Bronco Horvath (1930, Port Colborne, Ont.)
Newsy Lalonde (b. 1887, Cornwall, Ont.)
Gump Worsley (b. 1929, Montreal)

Tim Olive performs using magnetic pickups, analog electronics, and simple objects (springs, styrofoam, metal sheets, wood, dental floss). He was born in Moose Jaw, and now resides in Kobe.